Meet your local carers

What makes Telford Fostering different? Telford & Wrekin Council means being part of a group where practical support and professional experience combine to make a world of difference to our community.

Image of Charlie and Thomas
A picture of two foster carers reading to their foster child at home.

Children should stay and grow up in their hometowns and have lives that are as stable as possible. We believe keeping them local is the way to do this.

But don’t take it just from us.

Chris and Debbie Wheeler recently joined Telford Fostering from a independent agency and transferred with ease, bringing their foster child Martin (name changed) with them.

Debbie Wheeler, said:

“If you are already foster carers but are put off transferring to Telford Fostering because of the Form F, it has changed.

“We have just transferred with our foster child who is with another local authority. It has taken five painless weeks from application to panel.

“The process has been very smooth. Our assessing social worker has been amazing. She did a file read at our agency and we had a couple of Microsoft Teams sessions with her. She was happy to arrange these in the evening once our little one was in bed. It really was that easy. 

“We are already reaping the rewards of transferring to Telford. It is a real team approach and they have welcomed us with open arms.”

Fostering at any age - while you may think of fostering babies and young children, there are lots of older children (teenagers) that need a loving and caring family too.

Charli and Chris Macmillan have been fostering a teenager for the last four years.

Charlie and Chris Macmillan, shared:

"Fostering a teenage boy alongside our young family has enriched our lives. It has been the best thing to happen to us.

“It is inspiring to watch our three boys grow up alongside their foster brother. They are learning so much from one another.

“As a family we have been through some of life’s highs and lows together. From COVID19, to spending our first holiday abroad, which has only made us stronger as a family unit.

“Our youngest was only 10 months old when we started fostering, so the only way of life he knows.

“To have all four boys together, has been a journey filled with love, compassion and growth for us all. It has given our own children a better understanding of others. They all show they have kindness and empathy as they build new relationships. We are sure they are making lifelong friendships.

“Fostering has certainly changed our family for the better."