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Part time support care for foster families

Short breaks (also known as respite care)

Part-time foster carers provide a break for foster children with full-time foster carers . Available to all foster families, it can be for children of all ages and need. This short break will support foster carers to become stronger and to manage the complexities of daily life better while offering opportunities for the child to develop their independence. 

Emergency Care 

Sometimes services must move children in an emergency to make sure their safety is prioritised. Often during unsociable hours. Emergency foster carers are there as a place of safety for children for a brief time. This is until we match available short-term carers for the child to stay with or until the child can return to their birth family.

You will need to be able to provide a safe space in an emergency with little notice. You must be willing to look after children of different ages and needs.

Apply here or get in touch to find out more information.